Richard Jefferson nods to Kyrie Irving with 'Flat World Champions' shirt


Jun 17, 2007
Richard Jefferson nods to Kyrie Irving with 'Flat World Champions' shirt

Richard Jefferson watches Kyrie Irving soar high above a flat surface. (Getty Images) The biggest story of the NBA’s All-Star Weekend was he believes Earth is flat (in addition to a bunch of other conspiracy theories), setting off consternation and bewildered laughter all over. It was later revealed that Kyrie was maybe-sorta making a different point and does not actually believe all globe-related science is a sham, but he didn’t exactly walk things back entirely. The story is not at the forefront of anyone’s mind with the trade deadline looming, but it could have staying power.
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Irving’s teammate Richard Jefferson apparently wants everyone to remember it, too. In a live Instagram video for his “Road Trippin'” podcast with Channing Frye (the same show where Irving made his statements), Jefferson broke out a fitting new shirt:
For those wondering how the Cavs are taking Kyrie's comments about Earth being flat, here's RJ's shirt during Road Trippin's live IG video:
— Josh Poloha (@JorshP) February 22, 2017
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The shirt was first released just a few days ago by Fresh Brewed Tees, the same Cleveland-centric brand that put out “shirts of J.R. Smith’s shirtless torso after the Cavs won the title in June. It’s a clever idea, and one that could catch on if Irving takes on a greater role in the Flat Earth Society.
Welp, Ky, this is for you.
— Fresh Brewed Tees (@FreshBrewedTees) February 19, 2017
We’ll see if Irving has anything more to say when he returns to a competitive NBA court Thursday to face the New York Knicks. Perhaps Carmelo Anthony and others have been working on their sphere-related trash talk.
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Eric Freeman is a writer for Ball Don’t Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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