Religion 113 class, true/false questions (plus my answers) which are wrong?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
There all T/F questions, I have my answers but my score keeps coming to 50% no matter how often i change the answers so I have no idea which ones are wrong and why! Its getting frustrating :( Its 15 questions. All True or False.. here they are.

1) Symbolic interactionism is a theory of socialization and learning that states that the primary and most effective way of teaching what the group stands for and wants is through imitation and emulations, as well as through mimicking and role taking.

2)There are four types of Church governments that help religions reach organizational goals. They are Episcopal type, Presbyterian type, Congregational type, and Cult type.

3)Religions sometimes come into conflict with the larger society in which they live, and these conflicts are called religio-political conflicts because they entail more than simply religious issues.

4)Members who convert to a religious group are usually socialized into the religious group in an informal, family setting, as opposed to members who are born into the religious group, who are generally formally socialized into the group.

5) Karl Marx argues that religion helps to keep the lower classes content with their situation because religion encourages them to accept their lot in life, work hard and hope for a reward in heaven.

6)Membership in several socially and theologically conservative denominations has declined over the last 45 years.

7)A sect develops out of a larger religion mainly because the people feel that the religion is not following the "pure" religion or traditional norms that were practiced originally within the religion.

8)The church-sect continuum includes "church" at one end of the scale and "sects" at the other end of the scale. "Cults" are placed right in the middle, between the church and the sect.

9)The best way to research one's religiosity is to look at one variable (for example, daily prayer) in order to see how religious a person is.

10)Particularism is the belief that one has the truth and an exclusive right to it. Within religion, particularism refers to “belief that only one’s own religion is legitimate."

11) Although the subject matter of religion is unique and although it claims a sacred source for its noms and roles, as the religious group organizes itself, it exhibits all the features of any and all other groups.

12) Most religious conflict is between different religions. There is rarely conflict within a religious group or even within a congregation, according to conflict theorists working in the sociology of religion.

13) A child's religious identity is obtained in a very different way than their ethnic or racial or national identity, according to sociologists of religion.

14) The term New Religious Movements (NRMs) is usually used in place of the term "cult" for most sociologists of religion.

15) Religiosity describes the intensity and consistency of a person’s practice of their religion.

which are wrong?! I have no idea and the book is seriously no help at all. Any ideas??