Regarding ARES Galaxy P2P Filesharing Software...Which of the FREE


May 26, 2008
downloadable versions works BEST? I have used Ares P2P shareware successfully in the past with few problems. Now with a new PC Notebook, I am trying to get one of the various downloadable versions of Ares to actually WORK on my new system.

After I down one Ares version, then I try to Search for files on the network. But the Search function frequently produces no results and stays stuck in Search mode until I stop it.

When I finally locate a file I want, I try to download it but the transfer progress is painfully much slower than my previous Ares version on my older computer. That older laptop is now shot so I can't boot it up to see which Ares version I had. My new laptop is much faster with more RAM and Hard Drive space, so the hardware should not be the issue.

There is a new 2.0.9 version of Ares which promises all kinds of improvements to speed...but unlike the previous Free versions, v. 2.0.9 costs money as a subscription service.

One possible answer to my problem is that I'm now having to use Windows Vista (pre-installed on my new PC) whereas previously I was using Windows XP. Might Windows Vista be causing the problem or conflict?

I've also tried downloading with and without the Pop-up Blocker and Firewall enabled and still I get the same results.

So if you are experienced with Ares Galaxy, which version do you recommend that really works without all the delays?

Also note, I'm not tied to using Ares exclusively so if you can recommend an alternate P2P system that is free without all the search delays and slow downloads, your recommendation will be well appreciated. Thanks for your assistance!