Really slow torrent download?is this even right?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
at the beginning of any month,i get a torrent download speed of about 290 kBps.but then after about a day of downloads,the speed drops down to 22 kBps,and remains like that for the rest of the month.I did the internet speed test,and it shows my download speed to be .22 Mbps when my torrent download speed is 22 kBps.
please help!
and i'm sure this is not a peer/seeders thing because no matter how many seeders or peers,i get the same download seed of 22kBps later in the month and of 290 kBps at the beginning of the month,even if the number of peers and seeders remain the same?
please help!what's wrong with my connection/torrent/computer?