Question regarding Saved by the Bell?


May 20, 2008
Remember this show was geared towards kids, and at best jr high.

I've seen reruns which I haven't seen as a kid and noticed some iffy things for this having been a kids show like the girls hitting the guys arms, upside the head sometimes etc its never been often or too big of a deal...

However currently watching "Aftermath" and Zack was purposely making Kelly jealous (she had broken up with him for another guy) at the Max. Well she ends up slapping him on the face.

Even when at the end of the episode Zaxk apologized, they did not have Kelly apologize for her

I've seen several reruns of saved by the bell lately and haven't seen them since I was a kid. I now have noticed some slightly questionable acts like the girls hitting the guys arms but done jokey. Not a huge deal but remember this was a show geared toward kids and at best jr high.

But this one episode "Aftermath" I just saw flat out crossed the line into physical abuse.

The episode before this Kelly breaks up w/ Zack for another guy - Jeff.

This episode Kelly is unintentionally being insensitive toward Zack, like asking Lisa if she can bring Jeff to her (Lisa) birthday party and making out with Jeff at the movies. Kelly gets grief for this by Jesse and Kelly.

So at the Max Zack is purposely making trying to make kelly jealous with another girl. Kelly pulls him aside and then engage in a verbal argument and then she slaps him.

The next scene Lisa and Jesse are regretting how they treated Kelly and are telling Zack he went overboard. Eventhough Kellys abusive should have made what zack did moot. Zack even brought up she was over the line in smacking him and the friends said he had it coming.

The very ends zack apologizes to kelly at the party. Yet kelly extends no apology to zack.

Its bad enough the media portrays slapping men for being a jerk or anything less of being attacked as justified...but on a KIDS SHOW? Even if geared toward high school too that's still just the same as they are minors too.

And the most popular characters were zack and...yes...KELLY.

No wonder the 20-something generation of women have grown up to see slapping men as 2nd nature. And ok if the guys a jerk.

No wonder female agression and female arrests for violence and agressive behavior has doubled in the last 20 yrs.

And don't bring up the girls are weaker thing. First of all their lack of strength is completely moot if the guy is attacking and despite her lesser stregnth it still doesn't give girls excuse to slap men for him being a jerk or the like. BUT that's not even the point here. Its the show exposed gender violence on a kids who and bc he was being a jerk just making her jealous. WOW.

How many female children saw this and tried it on their male classmates and grew up with it being 2nd nature? MOST! If not all.