Question for atheists and accepting people of other religions?


New member
Oct 11, 2008
O.k. so I have many friends of all beliefs, maybe not a representation of all the religions in the world, for there are countless, but just so you realize I'm an agnostic-atheist who tries my best to be kind, and no haters emerge (hopefully) my friends' religions and whatnot include: Buddhism, christianity, Catholicism, Paganism, Taoism, Agnostic, Atheism, Agnostic-Atheism, Hinduism, Judaism, Muslim, Eastern Orthodox, Mormon, sitting on the fence, (haha, that's what my friend refers it to) etc. etc. etc. So now that that's out of the way, I know and have religous people in my life that are accepting, but you would be amazed and shocked to know (possibly, I don't know if you're shocked or not) that many atimes religous people have cursed at me, saying I will go to hell, I have a lax, erroneous, or even no conscience at all, blah blah, but just to let you know, these are people who usually are the ones that come up to you in a grocery store or at the mall with pamphlets or bibles in their hand or protest signs. I don't force my beliefs, nor tell people of them when I meet them. I even have one friend I've known for five years, and never once have I brought up what I think/believe, for he gets kind of sensitive and outraged if his friends can't agree with him once he debates with you. However, I also know some non-religous people who are just as scarring in my life. They hate the "opposition" as they would probably call it, and I don't hate anyone, truly, nor do I hate their beliefs. Really, I could care less what someone believes unless I absoulutely know for sure it would be detrimental to their beings and well benefit, what not. These kinds of people on both sides (though not everyone of course) have affected me to be scared and hurt that they can't be accepting of me or others. Realize once again, I don't tell people straight out until I know them very well, or they are throwing pamphlets in my face, although admittedly, me writing this is now the only acception. When I first told my parents (won't mention religion for protection rights) they seemed to lose a part of love they had in me for being their religion. Mom cried, dad on verge of tears, both with anger written across their faces and tone of voice. Saying they won't convert me, but yet ranting about God. I try and stop talking about it, but it did no use, and claim not to convert me. I grew up on the information and education of that religion, and the more I learned, and saw, and experienced, the more I doubted. That doesn't mean I know for a fact in what I believe and think in, because I don't, no one knows for sure anything, but I do strongly believe and think what I think and believe, lol! Sorry I wrote a lot, but my question as you can all guess is: why? Why does this happen? And, I don't want people to pity me, but anyone out there that is accepting support or give me an encouraging message? Please? I really need it, especially now when some of my friends and family have abandoned me so to speak, believing it doesn't matter how nice I am, if my attitude is so delusional towards life. What the heck? I just believe in being a nice person, and I wish someone can just answer my question and tell me that hope is in me, and I'm not a lost person, and that I do count for something. Wow, I sound so pitiful, but, I guess, I've just become traumatized...any other people feel like this? Thanks! :)