Q&A: Surgery for chronic sinusitis?


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Q&A: Surgery for chronic sinusitis?
[SIZE=-1] I have suffered for years from chronic sinusitis, which causes facial pain and a constantly stuffed or runny nose. Should I consider surgery? ?K.K., Pittsburgh
Only as a last resort. First rule out treatable causes of the problem, or try self-help measures?in this case, saline rinses to flush the nasal passages and pain relievers to ease the ache. Sinusitis symptoms stem from inflammation in the sinus cavity, which can lead to an overabundance of mucus in the nose. The cause of most chronic sinusitis cases is unknown, but in rare cases it can stem from an immune disorder or Wegener?s granulomatosis, an inflammatory disease, so ask your doctor whether you might have either of those. We think you should consider surgery to remove the diseased lining of the sinus only if self-help measures haven?t worked, and you can?t live with the discomfort.
For more on how salt water can help with sinusitis, see our Treatment Ratings (subscribers only), and tell us your tips for relieving sinusitis symptoms.*
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