Q&A: Are propane space heaters safe?


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Q&A: Are propane space heaters safe?
[SIZE=-1]I'm considering getting a propane or kerosene space heater to try to save on heating costs this winter. Any concerns about these heaters?
Propane and kerosene heaters produce a lot of heat, but there are safety issues associated with these units, as we found during our lab tests of two propane and two kerosene last year. For more details, read this story on the safety risks.
If you're in the market for a space heater, read our latest report and refer to our ratings (available to subscribers).
Essential information: Discover easy ways to save energy in the October 2008 issue of Consumer Reports, which also features an in-depth look at the Energy Star program and a review of tankless water heaters.
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