PS3 Sci-Fi Games like the RaC series?


May 17, 2008
I absolutely LOVED the RaC (Ratchet and Clank) Franchise, and as suggested during the release of RaC:A4O, it's sadly coming to a end, leaving it's mark with one final game that was ultimately a bigger let down than Sonic 06's controls and glitchy gameplay. And now that all I have is 3 RaC games left to buy, only one seeming to have any potential of those games, I'm in desperate need of a new gaming series within the Sci-Fi genre. I would prefer a game similar to RaC:ACIT (A Crack In Time), containing platforming, 3rd person shooting, races (to a degree), puzzles, and fun that only dwindles after playing the same game through an uncountable amount of times. My current systems are Wii, GameCube (thanks to the Wii), all forms of the DS, Gameboy Advance, PS2, and my crown jewel which I ask for your suggestions to be for that system, the PS3. And lemme make one thing clear to you, the reader: NO CoD, BIOSHOCK, DEAD SPACE, ETC. BIOSHOCK is ok, but CoD and Dead Space are far too gory and filled with constant references I find unfit for my taste due to moral levels. Thank you for taking your time to answer this request!