PDA rules in schools- please read and help !?


Jun 1, 2008
So, as some of you may not know, PDA stands for " Public Displays of Affection. " This includes holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddling, etc. In public.

My school does have PDA rules, but at no time of the year are we told what the boundaries are. In our "student handbook" thing that we get at the beginning of each year, there is absolutely NO section about public displays of affection.

Anyway, back to my problem, I'm 14 and my boyfriend is 15. We hold hands in public, no one cares. We occationally hug and cuddle, and we sometimes kiss at the end of the day (Only a peck, barely anything.) and like I said before, literally nobody cares.
But, then there's a teacher... She hates my guts, like seriously hates me. I could do the tiniest thing, and she'd flip at me. She's also the vice principle of the school... which doesn't help matters... She has three kids in school, one boy in my class, one girl in my boyfriend's class, and another girl in grade 11.
The boy in my class used to have a crush on me, and the girl in my boyfriend's class used to have a crush on him, so they're both pissed that we're going out. They probably told their mom that which made her hate me even more.
Basically, she flips at me and my boyfriend for any form of PDA. I can understand kissing, but holding hands and hugging.. really?
Her oldest daughter (In grade 11) also has a boyfriend, and they always walk around school holding hands, they hug, cuddle, and kiss on occation. This teacher sees that, and because it's her daughter, she doesn't do anything.
I personally find it 100% unfair that I get in trouble when her daughter doesn't. And she's even doing more PDA then me and my boyfriend.

Anyways, I'm wondering how to go about this... My mom doesn't support me dating my boyfriend, so I can't exactly get her to talk to the principal.. What can I do..? Please help!
Thanks in advance guys !
It doesn't matter if it's not fair, bottom line is she has the power in this situation and you are technically breaking the rules. Either accept it and keep your hands off your boyfriend when she is around, or live with the consequences. There's nothing else you can do about it, especially if your mom takes her side.
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Tell your principal or a guidance counsellor at your school that a teacher is singling you out and it feels like harassment. Then explain in detail. Something will get done about it. You are right though, it is not fair.