Our family has two cats, one female and one male, and the male cat is a BIG trouble


May 13, 2008
to us all lately. HELP? Our female cat is three and the male will turn three in December. Now they are both fixed and had gotten along earlier in the male's life but almost two years now he has taken his aggressions out on our female cat by clawing, biting, pulling fur, and marks his territory. This has happened before when I was younger with two neutered male cats that my parents had and the situation didn't work out. Medication didn't help, nothing did. Back to my current cats: lately the male cat has been extremely aggressive towards the female, where she is now avoiding crossing his path by all means, and the male cat is now peeing on our six month old son's things. We are torn because we feel that he would do fine as an only cat and having moved away from those we could trust to adopt him, we don't want to give him to just any place or shelter. And we cant keep having the cat pee all over the baby's things as he pleases or constantly hurting and stressing out our female cat. We could just appreciate any advice on how to get him to live harmoniously amongst us or how to find him a good home because he is a very lovable and charming kitty who needs all the TLC he can get.