Orthodox Judaism, to convert or not to convert... that is the question?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
After being introduced to Judaism, I have been completely captivated and mesmerised. I have found myself unable to ignore any Jewish references, I've borrowed and purchased books, attended Parsha study classes, celebrated Shabbat (lit candles, prepared and participated in shabbat dinners/lunches) Learnt Jewish songs and begun to learn Hebrew... After my initial meetings with my Rabbi, I prayed for guidance and support and before I knew it I found myself immersed in the Jewish community, and was even employed by a Jewish family whom I did not initially know were Jewish!! (I have always believed that everything happens for a reason?!)
I feel closer now to G-d than ever before, and very much want to become a part of the Jewish people, and to live a life observing the Torah and all 613 mitzvot. I understand that conversion isn't for everybody and have looked into the Noachide Laws, but still feel like I want more. I am willing to take on more responsibility, living an observant life and would cherish the opportunity to bring G-d into my every day life by practicing Judaism. I grew up in a non-religious home, but now I have seen the great advantage of being part of a community, and just how special it can be to share one's love/appreciation of G-d with others. I very much want a family of my own one day, and I feel that giving my future children a clear religious identity will be the best I could possibly do for them... and I really feel that by observing Jewish Law and embracing every aspect of this fascinating religion, I will continue to find happiness in my life.

The time has come for me to write to the Beth Din (if I am to initially begin the formal conversion process) and my Rabbi has said that he cannot tell me whether or not he thinks I should convert... and that this is a decision I must make alone. Whilst I feel that deep inside I want to convert, how do I know whether or not this is what G-d wants me to do? Am I worthy of being Jewish?

I would very much appreciate the advice of anyone who has been in a similar position/ is a religious Jew. (Please be respectful... if you have nothing constructive to say, and simply disagree with my choice of religion... just don't answer at all!)

Thank-you for reading.