On the Topic of Religion...?


New member
Nov 11, 2010
In one of my previous questions I asked why I should be Christian or Catholic (I know all about the denominations and such, but it seems to me that the two argue a lot, due to information from my dear church-going friends). I got a lot of answers like "The Bible is your answer" and "Jesus is your savior," but where is the proof that the Bible is the ONLY answer and Jesus a sacred son of God?
How do I know that centuries ago someone didn't just decide to write a book, gave it the title "Bible" and then dub it Holy? Can you give me proof that your religion is the only true religion?
Don't answer with some question toward how I know my religion is true. I accept that my God and Goddess may very well be petty lies, but I also know that I would rather die than give up my beliefs.
To Donna, I do know that Catholics are Christian. I've explained that already, thank you for reading my explanation above thoroughly. From what I understan,d, though, they have different views on some things, and so as a slight technicallity they are not the same religions.
I have read some of the Bible, but it was a rather bland book, I think. It shows that you need to convince people of your religion by putting it on paper, while my beliefs are obvious on the wind and rain, as THEY are MY Bible.
"Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus which brings you into reconciliation with God."
That, my dear fellow human, is what defines a religion. Don't play me for a fool, as I obviously have a much higher understanding of religions than you do. I've done my research people. Don't quote the Bible to me.
If your God did not want man kind to worship any other God, why, may I ask, did he allow the creation of other religions, and then allow said religions to flourish? At least my God and Goddess, both which you say are lies, preach to let each have his own. They don't demand that all worship them, they simply allow everyone to worship whomever they please.
Don't cut my sentences apart and answer the little tidbits, please. I know full well what I have asked you, and yes, I am asking you why I should be Christian or otherwise because I've had many a foll try and force me into his beliefs. You few who have answered are also fools. I simply want the proof that your God exists. When given said proof, I will not convert, but I will live happily knowing that the majority of the world is not worshipping a lie.
I notice that each of you has dodged answering my question in full. I have yet to gain such evidence that there is one God, and that he is the Truth. All of you have simply given me more reason NOT to believe in your God.