ok im crazy but i need to vent and a question-?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
ok so i have shoulder length hair and it takes about 15 minutes to blow dry, maybe a little longer but not really--

then it takes another 20 to flat iron it

i like it in new york and its soooo freaking humid here i feel like whats the point...i dont wanna put my hair thru that bc im probably just going to have to wash it the next day-

so i just wanted to know if maybe after i blow dry it..theres something else i can do...ive tried braids, but they always come out uneven its soooo anoying.

ive tried putting mousse in it and just twirling it for a minute..but then it curls weird n stuff....

ive tried putting it up in buns....to make it wave after blow drying..lets just say doesnt work i look like an idiot-

should i try buying rollers and just putting them on the bottom of my hair for waves?? and leaving the other part straight?

i duno lol

this is so annoying and i bug out i have ocd w my hair-

please help with suggestions! lol
I'm right there with you. My hair gets so frizzy and its shoulder length too. I used to straighten it a lot but now this is what I do. After a shower I ring it out. Then I wait 10 minutes without blow-drying it. Let your hair begin to dry but let it still be wet. Get style gel (like the one for Aussie) and put it on your hands. Rub it together and grab your hair from the bottom and move it up. Your hair will begin to get curly but still have a wet look to it from the gel. Try it before you go out though because I don't know your personality and you might not like it. Most kids at my school adored it but still, better safe than sorry. Another idea is blow-drying it straight. Take a round brush and start at the top and work to the bottom. Your hair will be straight and have a little bounce to it. Remember use hairspray and it won't frizz as much! Hope this helped and good luck! :)
just leave it wet a little.
scrunch with mouse and hair spray, but alot of hair spray!
then let it dry! then but it in a side pony by your neck! then tie a bow around the pony, use a color of ribbon that matches what your weraing or sum that goes with it.

or.. blow dry your hair and just take a curling iron and make small or big curls it dosnt matter, then pull it up, and straighten your bangs, if it's really that humid, usr sum no frizz stuff... works for me!
okay just put mousse in it but dont twirl your hair... just shake it a lil bit and then put sum hair spray in it :]

Hope i helped!!! :))