North Korea's communication satellite or missile What are the possible repercussions?


Jul 8, 2008
Moscow has advised Pyongyang to avoid its planned rocket launch after the United States deployed two warships in the Sea of Japan.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Borodavkin told journalists on Friday "We understand that the current situation in the region of North-East Asia is tense, and this is why it would be better if our partners in North Korea abstained from this, from this launch."

Japan on Friday began readying its costly ballistic missile shield, saying it would not hesitate to destroy any ballistic missile fired from North Korea if it - or its debris - looked like hitting the country. Similarly, South Korea has mobilized its premier warship equipped with the Aegis counter-missile guidance system
March 27 (Bloomberg) -- North Korean missiles may be able to strike Hawaii, U.S. Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN.
“In some cases, yes, they could probably get down to Hawaii,” Mullen said on the television network’s Situation Room program yesterday, when he was asked whether North Korea has the ability to reach Hawaii or Alaska. The West Coast of the U.S. mainland is still out of the communist nation’s range, he said.

North Korea told international agencies earlier this month that it plans to launch what it calls a “peaceful” satellite between April 4 and 8. South Korea suspects the event is a guise to test a ballistic missile. The U.S., China, Japan, South Korea and Russia are pressing North Korea to resume stalled talks aimed at dismantling its nuclear arms program.
A few years ago a US analyst said that the North Korean army could deliver one hell of a single punch --- but after that the military would implode in on itself

Whether that is still true or not --- I don't know

What if any repercussions could come of this launch and what would be the worst case scenario ?