Nokia N95 Disk error cannot complete write retry... Please need your help me ASAP!?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm nearly losing my nerves here wit this cell phone or better said memory card of mine xD

since yesterday, when I tried to take a photo I got this error 'Disk error cannot complete write retry or data wil be lost'
I tried formatting my card and whenever I did I got a message that a card is in use, so I searched the net and tried to delete this folder 10202dce in Private folder, but with no avail since y computer throws a windw at me in which says that "an unexpected error is preventing you from deleting the file The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error"

so I tried going intoi this folder through X-plore on my phone, but it just shows a 'private' folder, but I can't enter it since there's no '+' next to it like it would be I can't delete from there..then I foun another forum where a user was suggesting to delete the whole 'system' folder, I tried that in X-lore again, but when I did, just when I got asked if I really wanna delete it I get this error 'Disk error cannot complete write retry or data wil be lost' and it prevents me from confirming it since this 'window' pops up continiously no matter if I press 'stop' or 'try again'

so here's the thing, I can't delete anything and I can't format my card, because it says it's in use and I can't delete this folder 10202dce in Private folder to stop this 'in use' message and be able to format it which leaves me here without any idea on what to do furher and I'm really frustrated, because this is an 8gb card and I don't know if it can't be fixed should I go buying a card reader to try fix it there or rather buying a new memory card, both options are no lkikeable to me, so please help me ti fix this without going out for those two options.

Btw, I tried formating through usb too, connecting my phone as mass storage and right clicking-format, it says it's not able to format or either that the card is in use.

reason, why I need help ASAP is because my phone freezes every few minutes because my memory card is showing this disk error and I have to pull out my battery to be able to start it again and when I do 'installing apps' screen shows and this makes my phone unusable. Only thing I can do is, if I'm fast enough, which I was now, to quickly terminate 'installing apps' process in jbtaskman, so I'm waiting for your help now, while I have it working for a few mins. also, if I can't do any deleting, is there a way to terminate all processes by only memry card, so I'll be able to format it without getting a message that's already in use?

Sorry for such long post, but I'm really pulling my hair out for this one :/

fyi I've done soft and hard reset with codes too, but that didn't fix it as I have a problem with my memory card and not with phone, so een if I've done that I thik it was practically useless, because my card needs a format.
brother use "USB Write Protect" to remove write protect from ur Card and then format the card