neighbors are spreading rumors about me?


New member
Dec 20, 2008
kinda a long story but i had two friends over a few nights ago we are all in our twentys. we were all drinking and taking shots cause it was our girls night. we were talking about sex and stuff and later when my fiance got home we were all hanging out . my two friends went out to bar but i stayed home with my daughter. So were all hanging out around 1:30 or 2 my friends are trashed and were all talking and laughing about sex. my neighbor who is 17 comes over with her two friends who are in their twentys i think and have also been drinking and my two friends take my fiance into mine and his room. the door was open and i checked a few times they were just talking but when i looked later they were giving him a hand job. now before all this we were talking about threesomes and stuff but how i was kinda scared (my fiance and i have been together 11 yrs and have NEVER been with anyone else. ) the other girls outside the room see what's happening but are laughing about it. so i go into the room and one of my friends start taking off my shirt but i tell her to shut the door. I was not drunk but feeling the effects of the shots i had drank. so they shut the door. the next day I talk to my neighbor and apologize for leaving them alone and not saying goodbye only to find out they stayed and hung out for awhile. So i ask her to please not tell anyone what had happened but she says everyone knows and says our whole neighborhood does. I said WHAT? her brother who i don't know and has never been to my house before supposidly just dropped by and heard moans and ran next door to tell and has been telling people ever since. Then she starts saying how she thinks my friends are gross and trashy and how she would never be friends with anyone like that. To make a long story short what would you do in this situation? The way i see it is im an adult and what goes on in my house is my business. they don't know what happened. noone except for the people in that room know. (my boyfriend and i messed around and my friends made out) but yet they are running their mouths.I'm upset because She thinks its so gross but yet she stayed at my house to watch tv and make sure my daughter didnt wake up(that's what she said anyways) and she let her brother who i don't know come into my house. (while we were in the room my fiance said he heard a guy talking at the door so he prob was listening.) but he went and told all our neighbors and now everyone knows. Im not sure if i should say anything to them but im upset that she stayed to hang out in my house with her friends and let her bro come over( we think they called him). I just don't think it's anyones business period. when i asked her to plz ask her bro to stop telling people she said well he may or may not but it is a crazy story and ive moved on so you should. im sorry but its done and over with you should just get over it. I WOULD EXCEPT I HAVE RUMORS BEING SPREAD ABOUT ME! and everytime we walk outside they stare and wisper. what would you do?
they told before i started caring. the honest truth is it's not their crazy story to tell. they don't know what happened. and her brother had no right being inside our house. we don't know him at all. and if she thought it was so wrong and gross why did she hang out at my house? they all should have left. they have no right sharing what they think happened. its personal and it's my house. what goes on there is my business. i wasnt breaking any laws
I'm a grown women and can do whatever i want to do in my house. i shouldnt have to answer to anyone, explain myself or be imberrassed for my choice. it makes me very angry. They prob would not like it if i went around telling everyone they sell drugs out of their house. (not positive they do but pretty sure!)
i never let her brother in my house she let him over. i thought they had left but they hung out there. i agree that i should have come out and asked them to leave but i had been drinking. they should have left especially if they thought it was so wrong.
that's another thing i know he did not just stop by. they called him over but regardless they apparently didnt think it was that bad if they're going to call people over to listen. and also your right he could have been a child molester which is why they should have left. she had NO right to invite him into our house. what i want to do is flip out on all of them. were all adults and while some of the things that happened were out of my control they should have known it was time to leave the second that door shut!