need more memory for my cellphone help?


Active member
May 13, 2008
so i bought my blackberry 9300 curve in april and ive been having problems with it. its soo slow compared to other blackberries and it keeps on saying that i need more memory for apps. When i browse through the internet, it always lags and closes the whole browser cause theres not enough of memory. so i purchased a media card or memory card from bestbuy (8gb) and it still continues to be slow and saying theres not enough memory..need help?
i think it's the RAM.. I only have a 256mb RAM . is there a way that i can add in more RAM?
Sometimes 8gb isn't enough, you may have to go higher. Also when downloading apps, do it over wifi. It uses a lot less memory. Or even when uploading pics to facebook or anything like that. Only do it over wifi. If you can turn off your 3g/4g turn on your wifi then do all the downloading. I have saved so much space by doing this. I may upgrade higher though, myself. I hope this helps.