Need help with my manga character?


May 30, 2008
I'm making a manga and I need help deciding how should my character get his demonic blood and powers.It takes place in a made up world just like naruto or dragon ball z. Demons live with humans but don't get along. There also good demons but mainly bad. Also I the story are 5 sacred beast. I need my character to be a half demon halve human cuz I want him to represent the balance between the two. I have to ideas how he should get it.
1. The day daichi was born its town or village is attacked by one of the beasts( here the beast are evil) the great dog one on the strongest of the beasts. His father named Raiden one of the strongest agents. In my story exists a organization that keeps balance between demons and humans. Here the agents now one of 5 sacred arts of combat. Raiden was the strongest in all of the organization and the only one that could beat Match the beats power. He knows 4 out of the 5 arts. He battles the beast and after they both die after clashing both their attacks but the demon at the last second fuses with the newborn daichi making him a half demon. The demons name is Taigetsu he can take human a beast form. When his 10'he loses his mother to a demon. He lives alone and grew up to be naive stubborn hard headed a tsudere( acts mean but has a good heart)

2. Here I don't know if I should leave the organization bit i think i will( you guys help please) but the arts will be here cuz it like the theme. Also here the beasts are good. Daichi would be the son of Taigetsu. Taigetsu can take human form and animal form a giant dog. He dies protecting him from and attack of hundreds of demons. My character daichi lives alone with his mother. When his 10 his mother dies in hands of a demon, making a promise to become strong. He has the same personality as the first idea. Humans where afraid because he was demon and same with the dell s cuz of his human side. He thought there was no place In the world for him until he meets a young girl named Izume an agent.