Need help remembering sci fi book possibly with "eye" in the title.?


Active member
May 12, 2008
A memory of a book I read long ago just popped into my head. The book I think involved a teleporter/wormhole that went from earth to a supposed paradise colony planet but in the end you find out the colony is no paradise at all. But I may be mixing books together in my mind. I think there was a lottery were people got selected to go to the colony. And no I'm not talking about the movie the island, which, now that I think about it, may have been ripped off from this book.

The protagonist was a man who for some reason was being pursued by authorities but I can't remember why. I keep thinking that "eye" has some significance, like it was in the title or maybe they called the transporter "the eye" or something. I'm having the damdest time remembering details and its driving me nuts. Maybe the guy a technician for the wormhole thing and found out something he shiuldnt have....I tell you its killing me trying to figure it out.

Also for some reason I think there was a scene involving quiet enigmatic aliens appearing in a restaurant but that may be another book leaking in.
Definitely not The Mote in Gods Eye.
No Lisa not Legacy but that book sounds interesting.

I should.clarify the book I'm thinking of takes place exclusively on earth. The teleporter to the "paradise" colony is one way only for some reason I can't remember and the population of earth are being lied to told that its a paradise when its actually as rough as a new colony planet would be. There is a lottery were regular Joes win a new life on the paradise colony and since its a one way trip only the ruse stands.
Aha! I got it. It's "The I Inside" by Alan Dean Foster. My mind was definitely muddling a few of the details though. Foster wrote so much stuff most of it better than this book but I think its still a gem.