Need advice from people who have had scabies!?


New member
Jun 7, 2013
My boyfriend and I have been itching these little red bumps all over our bodies for weeks. We've looked up the symptoms and the most related thing we have come to was scabies. I went to the doctor for other reasons and while I was there, mentioned something about my bumps.. Without a test she just decided it was scabies. Here's my dilemma:
1. I don't have any bumps between my fingers.. No marks what so ever. I may have a bump or two on my hands, but thats it.
2. I can't find any 'track marks' anywhere on my body.
3. We have had these bumps got upwards of a month and yet my 4 month old son has no sign of any bumps on his skin.

However, my boyfriend has these itchy bumps EVERYWHERE. He has so many I can't even tell if he gas track marks or not. But he is convinced that's what it is.

Does anyone think this seems strange? I itch like a mad person... But after weeks and weeks, I don't have THAT many bumps...
I just can't figure our what else out could be since we've had it for so long.
