names for zombie story?


New member
May 25, 2011
i am begining to write a story about the begining of a zombie epidemic. i need help on names that suit a girl who is blonde(hair colour) and is really smart, medium height and green eyes. a boy who has dark hair/fair hair , tall, brave and clever. a girl who has brown hair, tall, smart and has brown eyes. and also a boy who has glasses, a cute smile, brown hair and is also clever at science maths and technology type stuff. all are around the ages of newly 15 to nearly 18. all have fair skin.

please help, no stupid names please
Blonde: Brianna, Celia, Lily

Boy 1: Eric, Peter, Topher (short for Christopher)

Brunette: Fiona, Leigh, Kate

Glasses: Simon, Chester (Ches for short), Charlie
It Came From The Grave!!
The unveiled death

The final curse

Death by three

The last survirors