my mom is being a b****, like no kidding, help T.T(you don't have to read all my


New member
Oct 13, 2011
rants)? skip to the last paragraph if you want to. :mad:

this sounds silly, but while im tryin to download a spanish dictionary app to help my spanish, my mom gets worked up and thinks im fooling around and it's not homework.

really. ok, im in high school, and this year I have a lotta homework like always. but this year, since she got laid off recently, started to sit in my room and "read a book" while im tryin to do my homework. like when I'm on the computer she's like starin at me most of the time, it's fkin nerve racking. I try to listen to music, but WTF. my mom thinks im playing around or something while im tryin to get my brain working.

especially this week, I need to finish an essay like, soon, and the fkin prompt doesnt really apply to me, so I have to stretch the thoughts out. but with my mom there I cant do $H1T! (1st time uncensored lmao). idk where she got this "technique" from.

no ideas pop up, unless I "procrastinate". im not really procrastinating, but im procrastinating my time so I get that rushed feeling, which speeds up my thought process. it works wonders. but that's about it, so I cant go on youtube, listen to my ipod, NOTHING. not even watching Gintama, the most educational anime.

I've tried to reason with my mom, and even dad o_O. they don't get shit. I know what my HW is and how I process, they dont. HELP me deal with this dammit! IDC if I fail my 1st essay of the year, but I don't wanna get lower than a B in my english class :mad:
oh, i forgot. I usually sleep late, like about 12am or later, depending on my homework. if I sleep earlier, it's so I could wake up at 5 in the morning to finish my homework. and I don't even have sports! yet...omfg T.T
@christian minister:
I'm aware of this, but what yur saying doesnt totally apply to my problem. like I hav an essay to tommorrow, and I only have the intro done. usually I could finish it, but the prompt doesnt apply to me, well in PG terms. not really verbal abuse, jus that my mom is probably too cocky and doesnt even hav one. no common sense there im afraid T.T. that's probably it.

and the library, probably, but my parents would have to take me there, plus I do a lot on my computer, plus printing and all that. with my essay and multple assignments, library time isn't enough for a high schooler, middle school, maybe.
@christian minister:
I'm aware of this, but what yur saying doesnt totally apply to my problem. like I hav an essay to tommorrow, and I only have the intro done. usually I could finish it, but the prompt doesnt apply to me, well in PG terms. not really verbal abuse, jus that my mom is probably too cocky and doesnt even hav one. no common sense there im afraid T.T. that's probably it.

@40 oz.
and the library, probably, but my parents would have to take me there, plus I do a lot on my computer, plus printing and all that. with my essay and multple assignments, library time isn't enough for a high schooler, middle school, maybe. this was just recently, after she lost her job
one more thing, ughhhh this is draggin on. her right now is like 10x, maybe 25X the person she was b4 laid off since she's mostly at home now. get it? :*(
People/parents tear you down to build themselves up- Think about this for awhile. Words are not said to help you at all. Its only a trick to make abusers/parents feel good. When people are sick they say mean things to feel better. This goes for people at school as well.

Abusers use put downs, ignoring or hitting. You are tricked and thats why you feel bad. Abusers lie and have lies mixed with past truths other times. They have problems so its not your fault. Hurting people hurt others and were abused themselves. You are being abused.

Divorce, father gone, abuse, ignoring can make children grow up with all types of so called "Mental Problems" or turn them into abusers. Know mean people often are calling you names of mental disorders to abuse you. The "Chemical Imbalance" claim is false. It has been thoroughly discredited by researchers. There is No test for imbalances..-Quakery exposed. " Its total fraud" -- Dr. Fred Baughman Neurologist.

Live away from all abusers verbal or physical and never go back. Dont speak to them. They will never change unless forced.

Remember- Read 20 sites daily on Emotional Abuse- also Tell your teacher.

God wants you to Forgive- which does not require talking to them again- Call Child Protective Services transitional housing to age 21.

Experience seeing this work.. Contact me I have questions for you.