My dog has an upset stomach, and I'm wondering if she has a bloat?


New member
Apr 21, 2010
First off, I am not cruel by asking this on Yahoo instead of going straight to the vets - we live in the country and so its a big drive. My brother thinks it's fine anyway - that my dog just has a sore stomach from eating too much poo or something.
Anyway, a day ago I noticed that my dog had a very tense stomach - like she was pregnant, but not that swollen. She flinched when i touched her stomach, and when she went to sit down she kind of gave a groan. She hasn't yelped or anything. I monitored her over night. She still has an appetite, she'll still drink water, she'll still happily trot around, but im still worried. It hasn't gone down for over 24 hours. She hasn't pooed in 24 hours either. She has peed though, and played with the other dogs.
Also, since a few days ago she's been very sleepy. But she sleeps all the time ever since she was a puppy anyway. And she had a very tiring day a few days ago because she went out on a cattle run, so it might just be her recovering from that.
But i was wondering if it seems like she has bloat or a twisted stomach or a blockage or something! So, please, if you're a vet, spare the time and just tell me what you think? I am very much ready to jump in the car and drive her to the vets!