My Dad and my friend have flirty chats with each other on Facebook. Is it too far?


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Hi everyone,

Well, I'm 23 and recently when i was using my dads computer i found out he has a folder where he stores flirty messages and video chats he has with one of my friends(!!) who is also the same age.

I know they added each other on facebook which i thought was a bit weird but this is completely beyond the mark.

It looks wrong but it isn't far enough..kind of. He's 54 and still married to my mom so it makes me uncomfortable.
Like, in his messages to her he tells her she's pretty, she looks beautiful in this outfit, or wearing this make up and they laugh and flirt but doesn't get any more explicit.

In their video chats shes always showing lots of cleavage or even lying down in a mini skirt/shorts so he can see her bare legs. She's all giggling and provocative and trying to tease him and unfortunately he looks like he's really lusting after her in a sexual way, and always hints at it to her.

Is this type of messages and video chat going too far? I don't mind them being friends on Facebook but this seems to be a bit much. She's attractive and has worked in nightclubs etc so maybe she's trying to bait him for money?