My CD/DVD Drive Won't Show a Disc's Icon or Name. It's Like it Doesn't Recognize a


New member
Jul 21, 2008
New Disc.? My CD/DVD Drive is acessible via My Computer (i'm on XP), so the drive is installed. My problem is that anytime I insert a DVD or CD into the drive nothing happens. The icon doesn't change, it doesn't show the name of the disc and when I double click my CD/DVD drive it won't autorun it just opens up a windows explorer with the disc's content.

On the other hand, when I start my laptop up with a disc already inside, it shows the label, icon, size of the disc, and it's able to autorun when I double click it. When I pull the disc out, the same icon, label, and size of the disc remain even with an empty disc tray. When I insert a new disc into the drive, the same icon, label and size of the disc that I started my laptop up with show up. But when I double click it takes me to a windows explorer of the content of the currently loaded disc. When I pull thaat disc out and close the drive in My computer it still shows the size oft he disc, the icon, and the label of the disc I originally started my computer up.

What's happening? This is sooo frustrating!!