My boyfriend smokes weed and I don't know what to do?


May 11, 2008
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 months and for a good 5 months my boyfriend has been clean. My boyfriend has been smoking since he was 14, he is now 17. He stopped smoking as I didn't like it, I never really knew why but whenever he did it I would instantly get upset. I know people say weed is harmless drug but for whatever reason, I do not think a like.

As I said he had been clean for about 5 months then recently I found messages sent from one of his friends asking where they wanted to smoke the weed he got. I told my boyfriend that if he ever did it again, he had to tell me. However he did not tell me about this time. I got really annoyed and confronted him about it. We almost broke up as this was the 4th time he had lied or hid something from me.

I've given him one last chance as if he does it again without telling me, we will be no longer. The thing that confuses me is that he told me months ago that he was glad he stopped and being clean made him feel much better however now he is telling me that he never wanted to stop altogether because he likes weed. I really do not know what to do. I don't want to take away something he enjoys because I assumed he wanted to stop but the people he was around always had it so he was , in a way, inclined to do so. We discussed this and he said that he wants to do it on rare occasions . I agreed with him but said that he had to tell me before he does it.

I'm aware that I may sound controlling which is the last thing I want to be but it worries me. I don't know why but it does. Especially as the friend he smokes it with is no good at all. He forgets that my boyfriend is in a relationship and tries to get him to look at and chat up girls, then almost forces him to smoke weed even though he knows himself I do not like it. Anyway, I am just confused on what to do?
just say its you or the weed, you are so concered about taking away his happiness, when in reality its taken away yours! which is far more important, if it makes you unhappy get out of there, that simple.
I'm 17 and my boyfriend use to smoke a lot of weed and hung around with the wrong people (this was before we was together) but when I got with him when we was 16 I told him I don't want him smoking weed or else I don't want to be associated with you. I've been with him for over a year and he hasn't done it once - I only said he can do it when i'm with him and I tell him to do so.

He is your boyfriend and he should respect you, I don't think he is doing it to hurt you, maybe he is easily convinced by his friends. You need to put your foot down because he doesn't realize how much it is hurting you. I hope it works out for both of you X
Dump him. He wont stop, trust me. People grow serious addictions to weed and you're just dragging the unfaithful relationship on by giving him more and more chances. Basically, you're really wasting your time with this kid; he's dishonest which is a definite red alarm in a relationship. Being in love is being fully in trust too and if he's not willing to make the commitment, toss 'em. There are dozens of other guys who are clean AND will totally dig you.