My 12 years old cat (american shorthair) vomits every day...?


May 15, 2008
Hi Really need some help here.....
My cat throw up everyday. Already being to the Vet multiple time and spent several thousand dollar.

He throws up almost every morning around 4:30- 5:30AM. Usually vomits brown water (with or without hair) , then vomits again 10-15 min later with brown water and then again with white foam.

But during the day , he looks normal, eats fine, drinks water, going to no1, no2 normally. Just every night he would have the episodes.

The Vet's initial diagnosis were two conditions... hyper thyroid , and inflame pancreas .

He went to the vet for 3 days intense treatment of anti-inflammatory treatment for the pancreatitis , and he is on daily thyroid medication. His latest blood work came back, his thyroid counts are back to normal. And he is also on anti-inflammatory medication for the last 2 months. But still the condition persists.

We also try pepcid acid medication every night thinking it may be acid related, but does not seem to help.

Can anyone help my poor cat?