McCain/Palin supporters: why are you in favor of screwing up the future of...


Jun 8, 2008
...America forever? First off, I'm 17 and my birthday is one month off from being able to vote. I'm sure someone will bring up my age in arguing with me, don't worry, I expect that. I may not have had enough time on this earth to mature fully, but I take the information about the election as it comes, and I have a right to my own opinion of course.
I ask this because I truly want to know why anyone wants to vote for McCain. I don't intend to start any trouble or fire up a huge arguement, I really am curious and I'm open to your opinions. The title was for attention seeking purposes. :)

I'm extremely worried about how this election will turn out. I'm afraid McCain and Palin will do more damage to this country than George Bush has. Both candidates have extreme views, Obama/Biden are doing everything in their power to be liberal, and McCain/Palin are the posterchildren of ignorant republicans. I'm in favor of Obama/Biden, however, because his extreme views aren't harmful. The economy, messed up as it already is, will shrivel if McCain spends as much money on useless things as he plans to. This country doesn't need to stay in Iraq, and we don't need to "win" any "war". This isn't a war, we're not fighting for or against anything anymore, we've sidetracked into an irrelevant country and destroying it. We're losing precious lives over there for no reason. Why would anyone support staying over there.
In countries that have introduced gun control, violence has dropped considerably. McCain & Palin oppose gun control, something that could very well do the same thing for our country. Some people think that if we did that, people would find a way to have guns anyway, which they probably would, but think of all the people that would give up just because it's difficult to get a gun. Don't you want that for your country?
And as for Palin, I wouldn't feel so poorly about McCain if it weren't for her. I wouldn't have felt so doomed if McCain would have won with a much more qualified candidate. His choice is based solely on winning the vote of women, when really she will be destroying the lives and futures of women as we know it. No birth control? Maybe that's why she's why her daughter is pregnant. No proper sex education? Again, her daughter is pregnant for a reason. She probably didn't want to abstain from sex but didn't know how to go about getting birth control or how to use a condom properly. If she goes along with this, teen pregnancy will sky rocket. Abstinence is a fantasy, and while it's wonderful if teenagers actually do abstain from sex, it's not realistic. No abortions, even in cases of rape or incest? If a man were to rape me, I would have to carry that child to birth, that child that would be born out of hatred; those genes should not be passed on. All women should have that right to their own bodies. Abortion may get out of hand, but there are much more sensible ways to handle that. Palin is retracting the rights women have fought for for centuries, the rights we absolutely deserve.

I could keep listing the negatives but obviously this is really too long. I'm asking this question to get your honest opinions. I want to know why anyone would vote for McCain & Palin given everything they stand for, and everything they could very well change for the worse. I can't vote this election, so this is all I can do. I have an opinion and so do so many more Americans that don't speak up; I want you all to take it in to consideration.
Thanks for your responses. Most of you brought up age, but that was expected. I probably won't take youth seriously either when I'm older. I'm sure it's hard to imagine a 17 year old that actually has had enough experience to truly state their opinion, but I'm sure that much of that negativity is due to the fact that I'm against your candidate.

Most importantly, to those of you who have said that I don't care what you think and that I just want validation, I really do want to know what you think. The only validation I want is to know that if this man does get elected I won't be doomed to a life I really don't want for myself. Some of the hypocrisy and ignorance generated in certain posts get me feeling negatively again, but I shouldn't let those people represent him. I've taken in your facts (and I truly hope they're facts). I won't go off to correct or argue with all of you that I believe are wrong, I just hope the people that haven't done the research know better.