Matt Cullen makes the most of his first NHL outdoor game experience


Jun 17, 2007
(Photo by Brian Babineau/NHLI via Getty Images) PITTSBURGH – There was no player on the Pittsburgh Penguins who enjoyed*Saturday’s Stadium Series win over the Philadelphia Flyers more than Matt Cullen.
The 40-year-old forward had played in 1,347 NHL games prior to this weekend, all indoors. The rivalry game at Heinz Field marked the first time Cullen played in an outdoor game in his 20-year career, and he topped it off by scoring what would end up being the game-winning goal in a 4-2 victory for the Penguins.

“I was kind of kicking myself. I missed the wraparound,” Cullen said of his goal. “I had a little room. I was happy the puck came back and I was able to get another whack at it. Pretty fun to see that thing go in the net.”
Fun can describe Cullen’s entire outdoor game experience this week. His kids got to play that on the auxiliary rink behind both benches during the game and he couldn’t help but notice the sea of Penguins jerseys among the 67,318 fans in attendance, as well as the snow flurries falling from the sky as he celebrated his goal.
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It was a picturesque scene for the NHL veteran, who said he used a bye week trip back home to Minnesota to get a little head start on outdoor game preparation by playing shinny with his kids in some very frigid temperatures.
Cullen is an outdoor game fan. Saturday night’s was the NHL’s 22nd since 2003 and he counts himself as a viewer if he can catch one on television. The entire experience, he said, took him back to his youth playing outside where he fell in love with the game.
Penguins players Sidney Crosby, Carl Hagelin and Evgeni Malkin were taking part in the fourth NHL outdoor games of their careers, so it’s easy to start taking these events for granted. But getting to see the joy in the face of a first-timer like Cullen was to remember why so many players treasure this experience.
“For a guy like Cully to take advantage of it, to have fun out there, I think it was just special to see him score,” said Penguins captain Sidney Crosby.
Cullen has gone from almost retiring to winning a second Stanley Cup to his first NHL outdoor game experience*in the last 18 months. He’s still a big contributor and is a vital member of their shorthanded unit. Coming to Pittsburgh has re-energized him as he moves closer and closer to hanging up his skates, whenever that happens.
“I don’t think Cully takes anything for granted,” said Penguins head coach Mike Sullivan. “He really appreciates being part of this team and everything that this team’s been able to accomplish over the last couple of years, and he knows that most of his hockey is behind him. Every opportunity like this I think he cherishes those moments and he’s still just a terrific player and tonight is a perfect example.”
Cullen is now the third-oldest NHL player to score in an outdoor game and if he sticks around with the Penguins for a few more years, he’ll likely be able to participate in another one and find something else to accomplish at his ripe old age.
“I don’t know if I’ve had more fun playing hockey. It was such a fun night,” Cullen said. “It was a good game, up and down the ice. I was just kind of blown away by the atmosphere. It was pretty cool seeing how many people stuck around with the cold temperatures. Just the whole thing, it was one of those bucket list deals. I’m just really happy I got to be a part of it.”
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Sean Leahy is the associate editor for Puck Daddy on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Sean_Leahy