martial arts closed minds?


Active member
May 13, 2008
hi i have been involved in martial arts for about 23 years now i started in tae kwon do in germany for about three years then when i got i got back to the states my father signed me up for a version of isshin ryu called dan ryu karate and i stayed there for 2 years after that a buddy of mine named adam introduced me to a kyokushin sensei and that's what ive been involved with for the past 18 years... my first sensei stopped teaching years ago so i sought out an organization to certify rank which alotta people bash me for why is that???? either way nowadays i have a new kyokushin mentor that is currently validating my rank all over again so people will hush up .. anyway my new mentor is like a father to me but he is too closed minded for the past 2 and hafe years i have been cross training with bjj and he bashes it every chance he gets he says kyokushin is the only way but i see otherwise and i teach my students the most useful street effective techniques from both and outta fear of being disowned i never invited him to my dojo .. i know sad right. im thinking of just calling my system something else (notice i said system not style cause its not a new style at all) cause what i teach and what he teaches is t totally different for instance im about street fighting because thats where i really learned how to apply techniques in bad the neighborhoods i grew up in (i actually had to use and rely on this shit ) and he is all about training for competition so yea we have a conflict brewing i just need some advice on how to deal with him and why is he so close minded to the point i can get kicked out of the organization ..o yea and if i do get kicked out what do you suggest i do i got a plan but i wanna hear yours
I joined a traditional jujutsu club. The sensei there used any opportunity he could to bash my BJJ training. Fact was that I owned all his students that weren't Brown or Black belts. I only had about 2 years of BJJ training at the time. I eventually lost interest and left. I wasn't going to stick around for someone that has no clue what he's talking about.

I suggest you quit too.
I'd bail. I was lucky, my first real Sifu taught that all styles have value. He put his money where his mouth was too, he brought in an Aikido guy and a BJJ guy to supplement our Kung Fu. That was a lot of fun. Really helped fill in some gaps.