Mariners celebrate Father's Day by having their kids throw out first pitches


Jun 17, 2007
The Seattle Mariners came up with a pretty awesome way to celebrate Father's Day on Sunday. Instead of doing a normal first pitch, the club chose to let the children of Mariners' players take on the role.
Four kids threw out first pitches prior to the game. Hisashi Iwakuma's son, Seth Smith's daughter, Jesus Sucre's son and Felix Hernandez son all joined their dads on the field to throw out first pitches.
The best was, apparently, saved for last. King Felix's son fired a strike to his pop, getting a roar from the cause and causing Felix to play up the pitch for the crowd. With those genes, it's no surprise the kid can already throw as hard as a grown adult.*
There was a lot of swagger in that throw, leading us to believe that kid has some confidence. Knowing Felix's competitive nature, we'll assume there are some intense father/son wiffle ball showdowns in the backyard.*
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While Felix probably has what it takes to shut down his son when necessary, there will come a day when his dad strength may not be enough. It won't be a baseball team that finally overthrows the King, it will be his son!
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