Looking for animes that are similar to Uraboku and Vampire Knight?


New member
Oct 14, 2011
I love watching animes, but I'm very picky when it comes to the main characters. The main characters should be good looking and NOT look like little kids, they should look like high school seniors or college students. I really like the main characters in Uraboku and Vampire Knight. I also like their stories, dark and romantic. I also LOVE the characters in Code Geass, Hanasakeru Seish?nen, and Saiunkoku Monogatari. Their stories are great, too!
Please, help me find some animes that are very similar to the ones that I mentioned.
Thank you in advance. =)
Please, no Yaoi or girl-to-girl animes.
Well then I would say you should watch these animes:

-Togainu No Chi (Shikki is sweet =3)
-Yami No Matsuei
-Zetsuai 1989 (Bronze)
-Trinity Blood
-Black Blood Brothers
Pandora Hearts (Gilbert is really good-looking ;) )