Lifestyle questions, fitness, exercise, diet, the lot? Wii fit?


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I just wondered, there are a few things about my life that I want to know whether they are interfering with weight loss:

- I walk to and from my school which according to Google maps is 1.6 miles each way as well as walking round school all day too.
- I walk my dogs daily and on weekends go for walks in the woods or along the beach usually for an hour or two.
- PE lessons, I am trying really hard :D
- I can swim really well but it's really expensive and the nearest swimming pool is AGES away.

- I NEVER eat McDonald's or KFC or any of that rubbish.
- I'm vegetarian along with my parents, which means no meat (no fish also as that's the definition of vegetarian :D)
- My mum and dad do nearly all home-cooked stuff with lots of home-grown vegetables and stuff and only very occasionally do we eat freezer food or pizzas and stuff.
- My whole family drinks BUCKETS of tea, about 4-5 cups a day or so, and my mum works on a dairy farm so she brings milk home, (which according to her and her boss is more healthy because it's not hydrogenated and the fat particles are filtered better in your intestines) I have no sugar in tea.
- Rarely have fizzy stuff like lemonade (and Coke is horrible *throws up*), drink mainly milk/tea/squash/water

Other stuff:
- I recently started using the Wii Fit in and effort to try and change the way I look: get fitter and thinner :D but apparently yesterday I lost 2lbs from the day before and then today I gained 1lb, what's going on there
- A side question about the wii fit, does it take into account the muscle content of your weight or does it just brandish you with a hideously self-confidence destroying figure, for fun? I only ask this because I would say that my legs are probably the heaviest parts of my body, mainly because they are averagely muscly. Maybe a little over statement, but just a little.

Any help on any part of this question would be appreciated :D Sorry it's so long :S