Lesbians/Bisexuals: Do you ever get straight girls who try to find out


May 12, 2008
if you find them attractive? I haven't come out to anyone besides a gay guy I met at the University's LGBT club. Yet, this girl knows I am into girls. I emailed/chatted with her anonymously and I believe she figured out it was me. I remember saying at one time that it was too bad she wasn't les :/. I also said she was pretty. It seems as if she tests me...as if she wants attention from me, a bi-les. idk.

-She walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel as I'm walking by and she starts trying to talk to me, I believe it was about how people try talking to her when she wants to get changed. I keep walking and answer her and she calls out something to me again so that I have to stop, face her and talk to her. I don't remember the topic at all; just that she stopped in her doorway in her towel and tried making conversation about nothing really and the way she acted...it was almost as if she thought I was turned on by it or wanted me to be. (She's not so great physically, I'll be honest...she's short and a bit wider)

- She leaned over while sitting and talking to me once and started scratching her boob and apologized saying that her boobs itched. Again, she acted different as if she knew I would find that hot (I didn't). I said something about how I hated that, that it was probably because you tend to sweat easily there.

-Another time, she said my room smelled like her hair. I asked what her hair smelled like and she grabbed a strand of her hair and told me to smell it. Her hair just touches her shoulder so I was all up in her face. I said it was probably because her hair was near her nose...this may or may not have been to see if I got nervous.

-She randomly brought up that a guy friend of hers had said he had never seen her in shorts and that he didn't think he liked it; her showing that much skin. I was just like "oh". She said something about how she didn't understand and that she didn't have horrible legs before pulling her capris up and holding her leg in the air for me to see.

-She was with a small group of friends in the lobby at one couch set and I was sitting with a friend at the one next to hers. She starts talking about sex. She said something about her and her bf's first time, how they were just sitting there and he was like "so do you want to have sex" and she just said "ok" and they did. I had my headphones in after a bit and was watching somethng on youtube. I heard bits of what she was saying about the back arching and the toes curling. She was facing me and she was saying it loudly. I felt as if she was saying it loudly so that I could hear. I then started laughing at what I was watching, showed my friend and she looked over at me, a little annoyed. I just felt like she intended for me to hear that. Unless I'm paranoid.

Whether or not that's what she's doing, why do you think they do it? Why would they want attention from a lesbian/bisexual?

She tried making it clear to me that she was straight and that she loved her bf; she always talks about him to me.