Lebanon - How can their fighting be justified?


Mar 21, 2008

Is this a political fight, a religious fight? What is it? Why is Lebanon continuosly in conflict?

lebanon is not Israel, yes there is just as much fighting in lebanon as there is in Israel? Maybe this means that if Israel didn't exist, the region would still be in conflict regardless.

Why are the conflicts always in this part of the world?

How can religion be that strong to someone that they are prepared to kill and take the lives of others which were supposedly given by God who made everything perfect?

In my personal opinion, Lebanon can only live in peace without governers such as religious strong hezbollah!

Do they not see that by following their religion so strongly, they are in fact doing everything that is wrong!

I'm sorry extremist Muslims, but no war can be justified by religion!!!
And these people will never have peace all the time they have these religious strong figures spreading hatred