Jamie Moyer got stuck on the California Screamin' ride at Disneyland


Jun 17, 2007
How was your last Friday before baseball season? Was it anywhere near as interesting as that of former major leaguer Jamie Moyer?
We're guessing not.
According to the Associated Press and Moyer's personal twitter account, the 25-year MLB veteran spent around 30 minutes of his Friday afternoon stuck on the*California Screamin' attraction at Disneyland before being safely returned to solid ground.*
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Take a look.*
Stuck on California Screamin' at Disneyland. Not sure what is more difficult, pitching in a Major League game or this pic.twitter.com/gM6qwZ2kPs
— Jamie Moyer (@jmo50Moyer) April 3, 2015
Someone from Moyer's group had the wherewithal to snap this photo from high above to give us a feel for their predicament.*Apparently, they weren't at peak height at the time of the stoppage. Still, that didn't necessarily serve to make the experience any more comforting as it was going on.*
Here's a look from down below.*
Glad we weren't there! All r safe! 1st offer was more tix while stuck! Not sure I want them! @Disney @jmo50Moyer pic.twitter.com/zyC5CrYEsn
— Jamie Moyer (@jmo50Moyer) April 3, 2015
According to Disneyland spokeswoman Suzi Brown, a*minor mechanical issue*forced the stoppage, which was done as a standard safety procedure.*She added that ride was shut down for an hour, but no guests were stuck longer than 30 minutes. There were no injuries reported as a result of the issue.*
In the end, the experience was nothing more than an inconvenience. One that Moyer —*who was taken for more rides than any pitcher in MLB, having allowed 522 career home runs —*could joke about with his followers. **
Hotel room: $450 Ticket prices: $1000 Lunch: $73 Stuck on California Screamin': #PRICELESS @MasterCard
— Jamie Moyer (@jmo50Moyer) April 3, 2015
As is retirement, which we're sure Moyer will soon announce from riding roller coasters.
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813