It?s not just journalists ? for better or worse, design plays a key role in how we ge


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Among its other disruptive influences, the rise of the web has caused journalism to become detached from the physical objects it used to be embedded in, whether that was a newspaper, magazine or book. Information flows over us like a river now, instead of being chopped up and frozen in time. And that means more than just an aesthetic change in how we consume the news — it means that the apps and devices and platforms we use play an increasingly large role in how we get our information, and therefore so does the design of those services.Researchers Mike Ananny and Kate Crawford recently published a study looking at this phenomenon, and they spent some time interviewing designers and developers of news and content-curation apps such as Storify, Zite, Google News and Scoopinion. As the two described in in a Nieman Lab post about their research, journalists definitely have…
