Isn't it truly disgusting that some people will rant against human abortion, but...


New member
Mar 19, 2011
...will willingly kill other----? forms of live? (e.g. bugs, chickens, cows). Ever notice how they cut the cow up into different pieces and give the pieces an assortment of names so you can eat a so-called steak without being reminded that a cow has been killed for your benefit and you are eating it now?
Humans are ignorant. Personally I respect all forms of live, and am a vegan. That being said, for some reason or another in human physiology we tend to value human life over all other life as though we are somehow the superior instead of the inferior. To me, the taking of an innocent life is evil, no exceptions.
well i'm assuming you don't have cockroaches, ants, and earwigs crawling around your room. I bet you'd even kill the lice that live in your hair.
You are just as much a hypocrite as them. Everybody has their opinions.
No matter what we eat we are killing something. If you eat a piece of lettuce, you are probably using a pesticide and a herbicide. You are killing a plant which feeds some sort of bug which feeds some sort of animal which feeds something else.
We should just all die right? and not let anything happen to anybody?