Isn't it kind of proof of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that they all...


New member
Nov 5, 2011
...originated in the Middle East? What I mean is that like 75% of the world believes in the god known variously as Jehovah, Yahweh and Allah. Many atheists cite the disagreement among religions as prove that they are false. Well how about the fact that the top two religions in the world both believe in the same god but just have different conceptions of what he is?

Does this not prove it all to you? I mean around a million to 100,000 years ago humans came along, depending on your definition of what organism is actually a human being. For tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years human beings unknowingly committed horrible sins and were sent to hell because nobody had saved them from their sins. Then all of a sudden the big guy in the sky decided that he was going to improve upon this and reveal himself to a small band of nomadic peoples in an arid desert wasteland (this pretty much applies to all three religions). This makes no f-ing sense! There were so many better people to deliver this message too (e.g. the Chinese!).
I'm just kidding. They're all bul1shit obviously.
I think it more says something about the effect deserts have on the mind!

The middle east was the crossroads of the world for thousands of years. It is not actually surprising that this culture clash region would prove to be productive in terms of ideology.

Christianity only splintered into 20,000+ variants known today once it hit Europe, and modern religions and spirituality tend to arise in the new cultural crossroads of Europe and America. The middle east is now left fighting over ancient faiths.
All of those people from the same place believing in the same god that wasn't worshiped anywhere else for centuries isn't really a point in religion's favor, sorry.
Well there was not an America Yet,and this is where God Gave the 12 Tribes of Jacob{ which God gave him a New Name=Israel} their inheritance of Land,in Canaan and The Only God is, the one I know, is LOVE and Lives It. Gave us a Saviour and Anyone who makes their God into something "Different"than forgiving, Loving, Just, Pure, Fair, Righteous,humble,Gentle,Keeps no record of Wrong, Kind and Patient and teaches us to be like this is not the same God, I worship.PS Get yourself a KING JAMES BIBLE and add up all the Ages of the Ones in Genesis and then the written history of time after that, and you will see how old the Earth and Man kind is. There were Gods People who held on to Faith from the Beginning{The Garden}.Then the Flood, cause all became evil--except Noah and his.--then all of us started over again and Noah{the Faithful One} with Ham{unGodly ancestry}, Ja-pheth{Gentiles, believers and non-believers} and Shem{Jewish-Gods Chosen People before they fell as a Nation but all believers are Spiritual Israel} and Now, there are Believers, Idol Worshipers, and Atheists......and just about the same in Wickedness. Nothing is New Under the Sun. We are now in Daniel and Revelation in Our Time. What say YOU? these categories.A Believer or NonBeliever---you still have time to make this Choice? God be with us all.