isn't hilarious,how if you tell some people about U.S sponsored terror they...


New member
Jul 20, 2008
1 it 'conspiracy theory'? When it is ADMITTED by the U.S government? Whats up with these people?Are they such cowards they like pretend things don't go on just because the mainstream media is not talking about it?I mean how delusional are these people?

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.
Throughout history, governments have been staging or facilitating attacks against themselves for the purpose of creating public support for being drawn into conflict. The United States has a long history of such behavior.
examples of such past behavior,, Operation Ajax, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Operation Gladio, Cubana Flight 455, Operation Northwoods, and the attack on the ship U.S.S. Liberty.All ADDMITED TO BY THE U.S GOVERNMENT.

Operation Ajax

"In 1953, the Central Intelligence Agency working in tandem with MI6 overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq. Mossadeq had been educated in the West, was pro-America, and had driven Communist forces out of the North of his Country shortly after being elected in 1951. Mossadeq then nationalized the oil fields, and denied British Petroleum a monopoly."

"The CIA's own history department at CIA.GOV details how U.S. and British intelligence agents carried out terror attacks, and subsequently blamed them on Mossadeq."

"In the late 1990's, large sections of operation AJAX were declassified. The field commander of operation AJAX was none other than the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, Kermit Roosevelt. Before his death in 2000, Roosevelt went public to the media, bragging about his patriotism in carrying out terror attacks in Iran and blaming it on the government."

"The provocations included propaganda, demonstrations, bribery, agents of influence and false flag operations. They bombed the home of a prominent religious leader, and blamed it on Mossadeq. They attacked mosques, machine gunned crowds, and then handed out thousands of handbills claiming Mossadeq had done it. The handbills read 'Up With Mossadeq, Up With Communism, Down With Allah.' Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq was incarcerated for the duration of his life, and fared better than many of his ministers, who were executed just days after the successful coup for crimes that the MI6 and CIA had committed. The CIA then formed the dreaded Iranian secret Police, SAVAK, and a 25 year rein of terror and torture then commenced."

"The operation was seen by western intelligence agencies as a huge success. The CIA then successfully used the exact same technique in scores of countries to overthrow elected governments and dictators alike."

Operation Gladio

"Operation Gladio was an umbrella name for literally hundreds of bombings carried out by Western Intelligence agencies and NATO in Italy, Western Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia. From 1947 to 1981, Italian Presidents have gone public admitting Operation Gladio targeted innocent civilians and was to be blamed on leftists and communists. On November, 22, 1990, The European Parliament had a resolution condemning the activities of Operation Gladio. The former Italian Intelligence Chief has come clean concerning Gladio's actions as well. Many other countries have declassified documents concerning Gladio."

It is part of the public record that [the United States government] and other western governments targeted trains, busses, schools.. several times operatives zeroed in on school busses, knowing that images of dead children would get the population angry and ready to relinquish their liberties. A particularly bloody bombing at the central station of Bania, Italy in the morning of August 2, 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200, caused some officials to break their silence and begin to expose just a small part of this wicked operation.

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

In the summer of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson needed a pretext to commit the American people to the already expanding covert war in Southeast Asia. In November of 2001 the LBJ Presidential Library and museum released tapes of phone conversations with the president and then defense secretary Robert Macnemera, where they openly discussed plans to use the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident as a pretext to expand the war.

Then in late 2005 the National Security Agency declassified it's own official history of the Gulf of Tonkin, and admitted that intelligence agency officers have deliberately skewed the intelligence and claimed that Vietnamese patrol boats have attacked US destroyers on August 4, 1964, when in reality they had done nothing, even while being fired upon by U.S. forces. Congress then authorized the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The Tonkin Lie paved the way for over 58 thousand American deaths, and over a million and a half dead Vietnamese.

Cubana Flight 455

"On Oct
hey mutt how about 9. And if they tired it before they will try it again. History reapeats its self.
'tin foil hat' is that the best you got?
you clown.
Just because you choose to deny history, reality, and mountains of evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen.

And only proves you are truly a coward.

face up to whats going on!

wake up sheep!
Isn't hilarious,how these type of people always like to live in the past, and never have any current "false flag" operations? The most current one that is talked about in this rant is Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which happened over 45 years ago.

*EDIT* - The voices in your head are not proof that 9/11 was an inside job. It just means your tin foil fez is a little too tight.
The secret political power behind the turmoil you speak of is an elite class of super-wealthy aristocrats, and their purpose is to create controlled conflict throughout the world. They believe that world domination is their privilege. These aristocrats exist within a secret inner circle who act like they are the ancient Greek Gods on Mount Olympus.