is what i ate today healthy? (bad grammar i think srry :P)?


May 14, 2008
breakfast: a glass of orange juice (probably a serving, simply orange lots of pulp)
lunch: pop corn chicken (baked not fried, probably a cup of them)
dinner: egg noodles (one cup no salt no butter) and a serving of skim milk
also for a snack after school i steamed half a yellow squach and half a zuichinni, no salt no butter, and i had about 10 cherries (btw it wasnt like one of those huge squashes the zuichinni and the squash were both about the size of a banana in thickness and length. i am trying to lose like another 5-10 pounds through diet and exercise i am 14 and i exercise for about half an hour (nothing crazy or hardcore just fast walking on the treadmill and some crounches and leg lifts)