Is this a good starting workout routine? any routines i can use?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Ok so i just got a bench and a set of dumbbells a couple weeks ago. I workout every other day, and run on the off days. I'm about 6" foot and weigh almost 160 pounds. So I'm definitely trying to gain some muscle mass. I am taking Whey Protein, about two scoops after every work out, and 5 grams of creatine before my work out.

As of right now i do:

Bench: 3 sets, 115-125 pounds
Incline bench: 3 sets, 90-100 pounds
Decline bench: 3 sets, 90-100 pounds
..then i might do a couple more regular bench sets as like a burn out.

Barbell curl: 3 sets, 55 pounds
Barbell curl: 3 sets, 35 pounds
Hammer curls: 3 sets: 20 pounds each dumbell

not sure what its called, but i raise the bar above behind my head and i bring up and back down, and then i do it in front of my head going up and down as well.. I do 50 pounds of 3 sets, than 30 pounds of 3 sets.

--I plan to add,
Shoulders: Dumbbell raise (aligned with head straight up)
And then one other shoulder workout.
Triceps: tricep dips of 3 sets, and weight behind the head going like up and down.

I will do my abs on my running days.

Sorry i don't know the name of many of these work outs, I'm still learning.
So any suggestions to improve my workout for better and quicker results? At the moment i only have the Bench bar which i use for biceps as well, and two dumbbells. And an elastic band thing but nothing to attach it to, only my feet.

if a description of me helps to see like my size here is a pic:

Thanks to everyone in advance for help, i appreciate it!