Is this a good standard for a martial arts instructor?


Dec 17, 2009
My martial arts instructor says a good black belt is someone who can take down in one hit and not two
He has won three championships and knows and teachs some kung fu and akido blended in to enhance our punching skills in a 70 percent taekwwando class. He talks a lot about what to do to protect yourself in a street fight using the moves you learn.
Also tells us how to score points in tournaments all the time.
I had to learn the moves then the speed, the stance and art and now he is perfecting me overall after two months.
He sounds ok to me. The whole point of martial arts is to finish a fight as quick as possible so aiming to end a fight with one blow is the goal of any fight on the street. As for telling you how to get points in tournaments, if you want to compete you have to learn from somewhere and that is what he is there for. When I am learning self defence I am thought to finish it in one blow when I can.