Is this a good sci fi book?


May 15, 2008
BOOK - Orgins of our people by Sarah Jackson

The beginning- April 30 1988
God talking to those created , not born, but created that day.

"Some of you, I will make look older than you truly are. This is because of the state of your soul. You, have been given the flaw of tiredness. Spiritually, mentally and physically you will get tired quicker when life throws at you trials. "

"You will be blessed in that you will be wiser than those who look young."

"You who will look young , you will have energy. You will not be wise. There is only one exception. Sarah. Sarah, will be revealed things and the truth before anyone else on this planet. She will be revealed this while looking young. "
" It Was All A Lie"

The devil is real, and i will allow him to tell anyone who "looks" older than 23 to lie about their age. To lie about mementos, to lie about things supposedly passed down from generation to generation. I will allow them to lie that they did have a father and a mother and family older than them. I will have them lie that they were born. You will not know that you were not born up until the day it is revealed to you. It will be revealed to Sarah first. Perhaps then you will follow soon afterward.

"There will be this thing called carbon dating. It is mans way of thinking he knows the ages of things. But who is he, is he God? No, one day it will be shown that it is flawed." Maybe someone will look at this book, that day.

When they do not have this thing called carbon dating to rely on, they may panic. They may think, "We know nothing of the ages of things." We only know the ages of ourselves. But do they even know that. Time is a complex thing. Only God can create time and only God can understand it."

So young ones, God has told this to your parents. The devil has told them to lie to you. And i will allow it. Because what is going to happen in the future i do not want you to know about. It is not the worse case scenario but it is not the best. There will be trials. And i dont want you to know the truth until the time is right. I may keep the truth from you as long as i possibly can. "

Is this logical enough to be a sci fi book? Would you read it possibly?
The number 23 is also a possible title