Is the samsung intensity sch 450 a decent phone for a 1 year or 2 year


May 22, 2008
contract from Telus? I had a blackberry, but it broke, I'm a little low on money atm (my budget for a new phone is 100$), so my choice is between a blackberry curve 3G on a 3 year contract (I don't like 3 year contracts, because I am paranoid it will break far before I am even near finishing my contract. My first phone and my blackberry have both broken around the year and a half mark, luckily enough I was on 2 year contracts for both.)

I see the samsung intensity sch 450, and it's 80$ on a 1 year contract, and free on a 2 year contract... would it last?
(I don't actually NEED a smartphone, I mostly just use my phones for texting and the occasional call. Nothing more. If I can afford the smartphones, I'll get them, but since I can't atm... a slide out will do if I must. I can't not have a phone. It isn't an option.)