Is the free for all in Hollywood films a good thing?


May 18, 2008
Considering that Hollywood is a free for all market now. The studios are remaking trailers and films with the same music, plots are repeated, and movies are churned out like clockwork. Remember when it used to take several years for a movie to come out on video in order for us to own it? Titanic, Jurassic Park took three years to reach video! I am not saying I would rather have that but atleast films weren't artificially overpraised bandwagon films that if you didn't hop you were missing out. CGI special effects have ruined a lot of potentially good films. I just do not understand how critics are finding films to be masterpieces now; Wedding Crashers, Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. These movies are fun and are great to watch with your buddies but to rate them in the 90s and 8.0s along with the Godfather is outrageous! Either there is serious manipulation of the Hollywood film markets (critics being paid, overhype, etc.) or the quality of films have gotten so bad that anything looks good these days.

My two cents.
Movies have always been bad. Not only that, but around the same percentage of movies have always been bad.

Even if there were more and more bad movies, the number of good movies isn't going down, so why are you complaining? Nobody is making you buy or see these bad movies, and the same amount of good entertainment is still there at your disposal.

I challenge you to prove to me that there is a greater percentage of bad movies coming out these days than there was at any other time in movie history.