Is the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms more for the protection of hunting guns...


New member
Jul 13, 2008
...or military style assualt guns? If the Militia mentioned in the 2nd Amendment is associated with the the right to bear arms, then the Militia should have military style weapons. The Supreme Court determined the right to be individual, but the Militia association (as so many on the left are fond of) would necessitate only a true right to military style weapons. Therefore, a case could be made that there is no inherent right to hunting weapons, but there is afforded a right to military style assault weapons equivalent to what our government uses.
For 220 years, the Constitution has done its job by allowing citizens to be protected from the government. The Framers and Founding Fathers knew what they were doing. Without personally owned firearms, which were equivalent to what King George's royal army had at the time, the British would never have been defeated. Our "precious" Obama would never be president, because there would be no USA. Those who say things like "nobody needs an assualt weapon for self defense," do not understand the history (notice my top contributor status) and the meaning behind the 2nd Amendment. Ignorant by choice, or ignorant due to misinformation, makes no difference. That attitude toward our freedom is dangerous and will be the ruin of our nation.
They knew the day would come where we as a people would need our arms against a government gone awry. As soon as the right is "taken away," the government has gone awry. Taking away the items that will defend us against a wayward government (i.e. Assualt weapons) is Un-american and Un-constitutional. All Americans regardless of political affiliation should be in favor of law abiding Americans owning which ever firearms they choose. If Bush wanted to eliminate firearms from all Democrats, there would be justifiable uproar from all sides. If Obama and a Democrat Congress wants to go after your legal weapsons, whatever they, there should be the same uproar from all sides.
Theoretically, RPGs should be legal. Fully automatic weapons are legal to own if you want to jump throught hte hoops. NFA 1934. Look it up.