Is it very difficult for a DIY'er to replace the timing belt/water pump on a 2005...


Active member
May 11, 2008
...Lexus IS300? My 2005 Lexus IS300 is close to 90K miles and I believe the timing belt/water pump should be replaced. I have priced this with several dealers and mechanics and at this time I can't afford close to $1000 to have this done. However, I see there are kits that can be purchased for about $400.
Can a DIY'er with above average mechanical experience replace the belt nd pump relatively easily?
The fact that you've posed that question here is a pretty fair indicator that you will NOT have an easy time trying to do this work. And actually $1k is not a bad price for this type of repair. If you make a mistake while performing this work yourself the consequences could be very, very severe, i.e., completely blowing your engine. If I were you, I'd rely on public transportation until I could save the requisite $1k to have a shop do the repair.
Got to ask you're going to be walking while you earn the $3,000 for the motor repairs after you bend all the valves.