Is it just me or does the octuplets mom, Nadya, just giving us excuses now?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
The Suleman family thinks that explaining to us her messed up past is going to make us feel sorry for her....NO! And that her 165K workers comp is what paid for her invitros, NO again, maybe part, but each in vitro alone costs 40,000 a piece, lets see, she had 6 kids prior, all from invitro... You do the math. Not to mention the ever mounting child birth and NNICU bill is building every day. 165 K doesnt cover even the tip of the iceburg with this woman. She's sick and delusional. She has put every single one of those little lives in danger for her OWN fulfillment, selfish much... Let me tell you something hunny, having kids doesnt cure your depression. Plus dont you think that with 165K coming your way, that you WOULDNT file bankruptcy, ABANDON a house, and live with mommy and daddy.

Now every show this piece of trash goes on, shes going to try and give America her sob story, sugar coating her lifes f*** ups, and messed up childhood, and attribute everything to her not being able to have kids... Let me tell you something else, GOD made you this way cuz he didnt want crazy b****s like you having kids in the first place. Its called natural selection!

I for one being a california, expecting an IOU for a tax return and watching my home state go down the crapper cuz of overbreeding freeloaders such as yourself squeeze every last tax dollar out of us and abuse our welfare and medi-cal system, I for one hope Californians give you HELL enough for your freeloading, selfish media attention seeking a**, that you'll give up here and move back to your infidel homeland in Iraq, and become some other governments burden... California already has enough strains here having to deal with illegals.

Anyone else feel the same, or are you one of those people that think this womans pregnancy and successful births are a "miracle"?
And for all you religious people out there, definition of a miracle is DIVINE INTERVENTION IN HUMAN AFFAIRS, this was in no means a miracle.

See article link below:
The only positive thing i see out of this, is at least they will change those invitro "guidelines" and make a set limit law to how many eggs you are allowed to have implanted at a time. The government would be fools to not do that and let trash like this happen again.
Very worth while link to read.. If you dont read it, here is the jist of it. On top of the initial fertility treatments of clomid, which is the first steps of fertility treatment, and when that doesnt work come sthe next step in the process, retrieving and storing the eggs, which costs a hefty sum to store, and mind you Nadya had hers stored for 7 years. Then she had to have had her UNETHICAL ivf treatment form her fert doc, check out the overwhelming child costs and deliver estimates.... Astonishing, now try to tell me that she could do that on 165,000, taking in account her now premie babies who will most likely need help for life. The diapers, the food, 14 children, dumb A$$ selfish bi***!